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6/28/24 | New Perspectives on Negative Symptoms: Incorporating Meaning-Centered Approaches and Lived Experience into Clinical Practice 

We're pleased to invite you to our next live webinar event New Perspectives on Negative Symptoms: Incorporating Meaning-Centered Approaches and Lived Experience into Clinical Practice with Marie Brown, PhD, Nev Jones, PhD, and Shannon Pagdon, BA. This event promises to be an enlightening session, offering fresh insights and challenging traditional views on what are known as negative symptoms.

Date: Friday, June 28th, 2024
Time: 1pm-2:30pm (Eastern)
Can't make it live? Don't worry; a recording will be sent to all registrants.

Webinar Description

Contemporary psychological/psychiatric practices typically view negative symptoms as fixed, individual, ‘deficits’ with biological underpinnings. This conceptualization is problematic in that it neglects the importance of social, political, and structural influences/determinants of “negative symptoms”.

Although a great deal of alternative and meaning-oriented work has addressed so-called “positive symptoms” such as voices, visions and extreme beliefs, scant attention has been paid to “negative symptoms”, such as alogia, social withdrawal, and anhedonia. We seek to fill this gap through exploring alternative, meaning-centered, and lived experience perspectives on “negative symptoms”. We argue that traditional frameworks pathologize so-called ‘negative symptoms’, and in turn create harmful narratives that leave people stuck. Instead, we argue that so-called “negative symptoms” have generative potential and urge a paradigmatic shift towards approaches that center the voices of people with lived experience and integrate socio-political context.

Included in this talk will be a review of our project Rethink Negative Symptoms, which collected direct first-person narratives of experiences that have been labelled "negative symptoms," lived experience perspectives on associated language, terminology and alternatives, and critiques/concerns of the construct.
