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ISPS-US provides education that promotes the appropriate use of psychotherapy and psychosocial treatments for those experiencing states of mind commonly called “psychosis.” These include approaches and understandings derived from psychoanalysis, cognitive-behavioral, systemic, psychoeducational, occupational, peer support, creative, and related approaches. Our educational offerings also highlight social factors and intersecting systemic injustices related to “psychosis.”

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This event brings together investigative journalist Rob Wipond, author of “Your Consent is Not Required,” Philip Yanos, PhD, professor, researcher, ACT team clinician, and author of “Written Off: Mental Health Stigma and the Loss of Human Potential,” along with Patrick Mureithi, a father, musician, and documentary filmmaker who will discuss his personal journey through self-medication, psychiatric abuse, and homelessness, and eventual recovery through spirituality, focus on physical health, and community support. 

In the wake of several cities implementing policies to expand forced hospitalizations, this presentation will introduce several components of a psychoanalytic approach to the treatment of psychosis in community and urban environments.

Recorded Webinars

Older Webinars

Visit our YouTube Channel for a complete archive of our webinars