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Invest in our mission to transform approaches to "psychosis"

ISPS-US is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and donations are tax deductible. Your contribution supports our mission of promoting the humane, comprehensive, and in-depth treatment of people experiencing states of mind commonly called “psychosis."

As well as supporting our general work you may also decide to contribute to one of our specific funds:

  • Rodney Waldron Memorial Fund: Scholarships for BIPOC individuals to attend our annual conference for free, with a $100 travel or technology stipend
  • Meeting Scholarship: Discounted attendance for low-income annual conference attendees
  • Sponsoring Low-Income Members: Discounted membership cost for low-income ISPS-US membership

There are several ways to donate:

  • By mail or Online
  • As a tribute or memorial. Honor someone special to you by financially supporting our mission of providing comprehensive treatment to persons experiencing psychosis. 
  • Matching gifts program. Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations. Check with your human resources department for information on how to have your donation matched by your company.
  • In-Kind donations. Donations of goods and/or services are also a way to support ISPS-US. 
  • Legacy giving. Leave a legacy of your values and vision by remembering ISPS-US in your will, retirement plan, life insurance policy or other planned giving vehicle.

Thank you for your interest in giving to ISPS-US.