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Upcoming Courses

ISPS-US provides education that promotes the appropriate use of psychotherapy and psychosocial treatments for those experiencing states of mind commonly called “psychosis.” These include approaches and understandings derived from psychoanalysis, cognitive-behavioral, systemic, psychoeducational, occupational, peer support, creative, and related approaches. Our educational offerings also highlight social factors and intersecting systemic injustices related to “psychosis.”


ISPS-US webinars go in-depth on innovative and diverse approaches to psychosis. Our live webinars run on a monthly basis and are open to all with a donate-what-you-can registration model. We welcome suggestions for speakers – contact us to get involved.

Upcoming Webinars & Courses

Professor Joanna Moncrieff will present her reflections on the outcomes of the RADAR Trial, a major randomized controlled trial conducted in the UK that examined the effects of discontinuing versus maintaining long-term antipsychotic treatment. The trial found that while reduction led to a greater risk of relapse compared to continued maintenance treatment, there were no differences in social functioning, symptoms, side effects, or quality of life after two years. Yet relapse was far from inevitable and the qualitative analysis showed that some people felt empowered by the opportunity to reduce their medication with official support, regardless of the outcome. Dr. Moncrieff will discuss these nuanced findings and their broader implications for mental health care.

Join Oryx Cohen, CEO of the National Empowerment Center, and South African Josh, diagnosed bipolar 1 with an MA in Theology, to unpack the gifts of Neurodiversity in an engaging and dynamic webinar.