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Join a Committee

ISPS-US’s Committees are formed of volunteers working together to accomplish our mission.


Education Committee

The Education Committee sponsors webinars on various educational topics related to psychosis and extreme states, fosters the formation of study groups, encourages inclusion of training in psychological treatments of people with psychosis in existing training programs for mental health professionals, and serves as a resource and clearinghouse of relevant information and speakers on the psychological treatments of people with psychosis for study groups and training programs.


Advocacy Committee

The Advocacy Committee aligns with ISPS-US’s mission of challenging the biological-reductionistic status quo of mental health care as usual. ISPS-US aims to effect systemic change, within arenas such as the mental health system, education system, media, and systems influencing public policy. Our Advocacy Committee works in partnership with our Executive Committee to advance ISPS-US’s advocacy efforts and engage our passionate membership in collective action.


Program/Conference Committee

The Program Committee changes with every annual meeting. With the help of the Executive Director, it plans the annual meeting theme, location and schedule, chooses a keynoter and honoree, writes a Call for Papers, reads and chooses presentations, develops the program, markets the meeting and assists with other logistics of the meeting. Members of the committee do not need to reside where the meeting is held, but at least some of them should.


Membership Committee

The Membership Committee recruits new members, develops new membership benefits, makes suggestions to improve members' experiences, and oversees the mentorship program.


Students and Early Career Committee

The Students and Early Career Committee provides a forum for members who are students and/or just beginning their careers to share ideas, discuss their unique issues, to develop resources within the organization that pertain to members new to the field, and to foster inclusion of students and early career members at all levels of the organization, including in the annual meeting and in leadership.


Experts by Experience Committee

The Experts by Experience Committee provides a forum for members who have experienced psychosis and/or extreme states to discuss issues unique to them, to educate the larger membership about their perspectives, and to foster inclusion of people with lived experience at all levels of the organization, including in the annual meeting and in leadership.


Family Members Committee

The Family Members Committee is in formation. It provides a forum for members whose family members have experienced psychosis and/or extreme states, to discuss issues unique to caregivers, to educate the larger membership about their perspectives, and to foster inclusion of family members at all levels of the organization, including in the annual meeting and in leadership.


If you are interested in joining one of our committees, please visit our volunteering page.