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ISPS-US Welcomes the WHO’s New Guidance on Mental Health Policy and Strategic Action Plans

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The World Health Organization (WHO) has released new guidance outlining a global framework for rights-based, person-centered, and recovery-oriented mental health systems, titled Guidance on mental health policy and strategic action plans. ISPS-US welcomes this much-needed publication, which closely aligns with our vision for humane, socially informed, and equitable approaches to psychosis and mental health care.

Momentum is growing worldwide for mental health policies that prioritize dignity, autonomy, and holistic support. The WHO’s guidance provides a clear roadmap for systemic reform, moving away from coercive and institutionalized models toward integrated, community-based care that addresses the real-life factors influencing mental health. It recognizes that social and structural determinants—such as poverty, housing, education, and employment—must be addressed in order to truly support mental well-being. It also calls for people with lived experience to be at the center of shaping policies and services. These are principles ISPS-US has long championed in our work to advance psychosocial, relational, and rights-aligned approaches to psychosis care.

The publication outlines key priorities for mental health system development, including strengthening leadership and governance, expanding service delivery and workforce capacity, integrating mental health with physical health and social services, tackling stigma and discrimination, and ensuring that people with lived experience play a central role in policy development.

The WHO’s call to action reaffirms what ISPS-US has long advocated for: a shift away from coercion and institutionalization toward compassionate, choice-driven care that supports recovery, autonomy, and social inclusion. We strongly support the emphasis on expanding access to psychosocial approaches, addressing social determinants of mental health, and ensuring that people with lived experience are leaders in shaping mental health services.

The guidance is organized into 5 modules:

  1.  Introduction, purpose and use of the guidance
  2. Key reform areas, directives, strategies, and actions for mental health policy & strategic action plans
  3.  Process for developing, implementing, and evaluating mental health policy & strategic action plans
  4. Country case scenarios
  5. Comprehensive directory of policy areas, directives, strategies and actions 

This guidance is an important step toward a future where mental health systems truly support well-being, self-determination, and human rights. ISPS-US will continue working to ensure these principles lead to real changes in policy, practice, and care.

Read the WHO guidance here: