ISPS-US and the Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis are pleased to co-sponsor a monthly clinical consultation group for early career clinicians working psychoanalytically/psychodynamically with individuals diagnosed with psychosis or experiencing extreme states.
- WHEN: The group will meet on the third Sunday of every month beginning on February 16, 2025 and will continue for 12 months through January 2026. Sessions will be from 11:00 - 12:30 Eastern Time
- WHAT: The group will combine discussion of readings (to be distributed beforehand) with clinical case material to be provided by the participants. Attendance will be capped at 10, but additional sections will be added as needed.
- COST: The fee for participation will be $200/year, less a 10% discount for ISPS-US members (members will automatically receive the 10% discount at registration if you are logged in to the member portal). Three scholarships will be available on a first-come-first-served basis by request (click here for the scholarship application form).
This ISPS-US/CCP monthly clinical consultation group will be co-facilitated by Nancy Burke, Adam Weg, Michael Ryzner, and Zak Mucha.
- Nancy Burke, PhD, ABPP is the vice-president of ISPS-US, a board member, faculty member, graduate and past-president of CCP, and the co-chair of Expanded Mental Health Services of Chicago, NFP.
- Adam Weg, LCSW, is psychoanalytic psychotherapist in private practice in New York City, as well as with the Early Treatment Program at Lenox Hill Hospital. He is an Associate Faculty Member at CCP.
- Michael Ryzner-Basiewicz is a PhD candidate in clinical psychology at Duquesne University. He works psychoanalytically with children, teenagers, and adults in Pittsburgh, PA.
- Zak Mucha, LCSW, is a psychoanalyst and the current president of CCP. His 7-year tenure as the leader of an ACT team in Chicago is described in his recent book, Swimming to the Horizon: Crack, Psychosis and Street-Corner Social Work.