The human experience commonly labeled “schizophrenia” impacts all members of society in one way or another. Some experience it directly. Others witness loved ones or neighbors experiencing it. Most observe examples of it at one time or another in shared public spaces such as at bus stops and libraries. No matter the degree of contact we have with it, this state of being challenges us all as individuals and as a collective society. Is there a way we can approach this human condition with sincere compassion and respectful curiosity? Can we challenge ourselves to see first and foremost the human being having the experience and only then the behavioral expressions of the experience?
This podcast episode features an author who discusses her book The Schizophrenia Complex: How Do We Love Those in Chaos? in which she explores the often aversive relationship we have towards this state of being. She speaks from her perspective as both a clinical mental health provider as well as a mother of a child who experienced a “psychotic break.” Additionally, the program hosts provide an overview of the Jungian conceptualization of this diagnosis, a framework in which it is viewed primarily as an encounter with unconscious material rather than a neurochemical malfunction.
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